Thursday, June 4, 2009

1) some things I will forever keep private, sacred.
2)But if seeing him again-and merely touching his hand-could peel so many layers of my heart, then did I ever stop loving him the way you're supposed to stop loving everyone but the one you're with?If the answer is no, then will the lapse of time or a change of geography really fix the problem?And regardless of the answer, what does the mere question say about my relationship with Andy?
3)"I just felt desperate to finish the school year, get in a new routine...a new place where I wasn't always reminded of Mom..."-my fav.
4)I think back to Leo's earlier comments today, about how he took himself too serious;y. Maybe that was tru, but I can also see that I didnt take myself seriously enough. and it was that lethal combinstion that made our breakup virtually inevitable.