Sunday, May 17, 2009

A sunday Morn, a long weekend, a bright new life

Its possible, or is it not
to take back your love
to trash it and let it go?
life demanding

Its been 3 work days,
its been tiring,
its been a lot of work
some ppl annoy me
but some ppl are jus like that
in this world
with new surprises
i m still happy
I got my first client
and i was surprised
how my schedule said it was my only client
I dont care
its a huge huge bank
just perfectly as I wanted it to be

I miss my free time
And I make the most of it
when I get some

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Given this day- 12th May 2009

From a mail to sis
"I start work this morn i went to downtown to figure out how to get there etc. Omg...I loved it! the experience of being in a train full with ppl going to work...the small streets, the dressed ppl, the busy life and the big tall towers...n me working in one of those...woowoooooo!!!!
I have said this many times before, but like I really mean it - " I cant wait to start work!Like tomorrow's the big day". When you see a dream that looks soo good, and you feel that its on its track of getting fulfilled-life's so good, u want to do everything to let it happen. :)"

So thats the reason for a very jolly me-just incase you were wondering...heheh:D

Thanks jiby, if you're reading!

Friday, May 8, 2009

things culdnt get happier
memories culdnt get fonder
days couldnt get shorter
smiles culdnt ger broader
heart couldnt get heavier
life couldnt make me stronger

thank whoever is above...
cant ask for any more
n where there are
such friendships that r so true,
who really needs that fake love;
n where there are
such memories that are so happy
who really needs new ones