Friday, November 14, 2008

That dream about home, and these 2 drops of tears...

For all throughout my life I knew what I wanted, what made me i dont...
Everyday here is getting an unknown fear of losing family is getting closer to the picture...

Remember that night...all dim lighted...with dadi...with alpa did carryin darsh in her...with jiju, didi dad dancing on the disco floor...thts where you left your family...n you never saw it back that way...
Remember ..u dint cry once be4 u left...except for that when little moment wen ur sister came from behind n hugged u couldnt explain to you y she was cryin...
How did u manage ?to pull these 2 yrs and did you survive widout seeing family around...u being the jaan of the house...u being that emotional fool who was attached all along...
Remember Shaz's last visit home?Remember that call from Mananbhai...thats where you left your friends do you manage not being able to wish them on do u manage to not speak to them every single breath of difficulty you take...

Even if you do go back..things will never be the same...di- u'll never be home...jiju and alpabhen...u'll never be stayin over in my bedroom...

you are busy here; not happy...
you fun grow...
but you still dream of home..

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